Thursday, October 02, 2014

WCHC Calls Special Meeting

Dear Coalition Supporters,
The Wilmington Coalition for a Healthy Community is facing change head on and is encouraging all active members to bring a friend to our Monday Oct 6th meeting. Change brings opportunity and now is the perfect opportunity to get our small town feel back to The Wilmington Coalition for a Healthy Community.

The Wilmington Coalition for a Healthy Community is secure, intact and calling home in the entrance of South Island Park. Can you think of a better location to promote the Coalition cause then in the park promoting healthy lifestyles.

Please join us Monday Oct. 6th 2014 6:30 pm at the Island Park District 315 N Water St. Wilmington for an informal meeting to guide the coalition and discuss the future of the grant the reading of the new bylaws, membership and voting. Be sure and get out, and get the hometown feel back!

Wilmington Coalition President
- Gina Stachowiak